
This module contains the definition of several neural networks used in state-of-the-art federated learning papers.


Encoder (aka backbone) + Head Network [Base Class] This type of networks are defined as two subnetworks, where one is meant to be the encoder/backbone network that learns a latent representation of the input, and the head network that is the classifier part of the model.


Global-Local Network (Abstract Class).


This implementation of the Global-Local Network (GlobalLocalNet) is meant to be used with the Encoder-Head architecture.


This implementation of the Global-Local Network (GlobalLocalNet) is meant to be used with the Encoder-Head architecture.


Multi-layer Perceptron for MNIST.


Encoder for the MNIST_2NN network.


Head for the MNIST_2NN network.


Convolutional Neural Network for MNIST.


Encoder for the MNIST_CNN network.


Head for the MNIST_CNN network.


Convolutional Neural Network with Batch Normalization for CIFAR-10.


Encoder for the FedBN_CNN network.


Head for the FedBN_CNN network.


Logistic Regression for MNIST.


Convolutional Neural Network for CIFAR-10.


Encoder for the CifarConv2 network.


Head for the CifarConv2 network.


ResNet-9 network for CIFAR-100 classification.


Encoder for the ResNet9 network.


Head for the ResNet9 network.


Convolutional Neural Network for FEMNIST.


Encoder for the FEMNIST_CNN network.


Head for the FEMNIST_CNN network.


Encoder for the VGG9 network.


Head for the VGG9 network.


VGG-9 network for FEMNIST classification.





ResNet-18 network as defined in the torchvision library.


ResNet-34 network as defined in the torchvision library.


ResNet-50 network as defined in the torchvision library.


ResNet-18 network as defined in the torchvision library but with Group Normalization layers instead of Batch Normalization.


Encoder for the MoonCNN network.


Head for the MoonCNN network.


Convolutional Neural Network for CIFAR-10.


Encoder for the LeNet5 network.


Head for the LeNet5 network.


LeNet-5 for CIFAR.


Encoder for the Shakespeare_LSTM network.


Head for the Shakespeare_LSTM network.


LSTM for Shakespeare.


This module contains the definition of several neural networks used in state-of-the-art federated learning papers.

class fluke.nets.EncoderHeadNet(encoder: Module, head: Module)[source]

Bases: Module

Encoder (aka backbone) + Head Network [Base Class] This type of networks are defined as two subnetworks, where one is meant to be the encoder/backbone network that learns a latent representation of the input, and the head network that is the classifier part of the model. The forward method should work as usual (i.e., \(g(f(\mathbf{x}))\) where \(\mathbf{x}\) is the input, \(f\) is the encoder and \(g\) is the head), but the forward_encoder and forward_head methods should be used to get the output of the encoder and head subnetworks, respectively. If this is not possible, they fallback to the forward method (default behavior).

  • encoder (nn.Module) – Encoder subnetwork.

  • head (nn.Module) – Head subnetwork.

property encoder: Module

Return the encoder subnetwork.


Encoder subnetwork.

Return type:


property head: Module

Return the head subnetwork.


head subnetwork.

Return type:


forward_encoder(x: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Forward pass through the encoder subnetwork.


x (torch.Tensor) – Input tensor.


Output tensor of the encoder subnetwork.

Return type:


forward_head(z: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Forward pass through the head subnetwork. z is assumed to be the output of the encoder subnetwork or an “equivalent” tensor.


z (torch.Tensor) – Input tensor.


Output tensor of the head subnetwork.

Return type:


class fluke.nets.GlobalLocalNet(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Module

Global-Local Network (Abstract Class). This is a network that has two subnetworks, one is meant to be shared (global) and one is meant to be personalized (local). The forward method should work as expected, but the forward_local and forward_global methods should be used to get the output of the local and global subnetworks, respectively. If this is not possible, they fallback to the forward method (default behavior).

abstract get_local() Module[source]

Return the local subnetwork.


The local subnetwork

Return type:


abstract get_global() Module[source]

Return the global subnetwork.


The global subnetwork

Return type:


class fluke.nets.HeadGlobalEncoderLocalNet(model: EncoderHeadNet)[source]

Bases: GlobalLocalNet

This implementation of the Global-Local Network (GlobalLocalNet) is meant to be used with the Encoder-Head architecture. The global (i.e., that is shared between clients and server) subnetwork is the head and the local (i.e., not shared) subnetwork is the encoder.


model (EncoderHeadNet) – The federated model to use.

class fluke.nets.EncoderGlobalHeadLocalNet(model: EncoderHeadNet)[source]

Bases: GlobalLocalNet

This implementation of the Global-Local Network (GlobalLocalNet) is meant to be used with the Encoder-Head architecture. The global (i.e., that is shared between clients and server) subnetwork is the encoder and the local (i.e., not shared) subnetwork is the head.


model (EncoderHeadNet) – The federated model to use.

class fluke.nets.MNIST_2NN(hidden_size: tuple[int, int] = (200, 100), softmax: bool = False)[source]

Bases: EncoderHeadNet

Multi-layer Perceptron for MNIST. This is a 2-layer neural network for MNIST classification first introduced in the [FedAvg] paper, where the hidden layers have 200 neurons each and the output layer with sigmoid activation.

Similar architectures are also used in other papers:

  • [SuPerFed]: hidden_size=(200, 200), same as FedAvg;

  • [pFedMe]: hidden_size=(100, 100) with softmax on the output layer;

  • [FedDyn]: hidden_size=(200, 100).

  • hidden_size (tuple[int, int], optional) – Size of the hidden layers. Defaults to (200, 200).

  • softmax (bool, optional) – If True, the output is passed through a softmax layer. Defaults to True.



H. Brendan McMahan, Eider Moore, Daniel Ramage, Seth Hampson, Blaise Aguera y Arcas. “Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data”. In AISTATS (2017).


Seok-Ju Hahn, Minwoo Jeong, and Junghye Lee. Connecting Low-Loss Subspace for Personalized Federated Learning. In KDD (2022).


Canh T. Dinh, Nguyen H. Tran, and Tuan Dung Nguyen. Personalized Federated Learning with Moreau Envelopes. In NeurIPS (2020).


S. Wang, T. Liu, and M. Hong. “FedDyn: A Dynamic Federated Learning Framework”. In ICLR (2021).

class fluke.nets.MNIST_2NN_E(hidden_size: tuple[int, int] = (200, 100))[source]

Bases: Module

Encoder for the MNIST_2NN network.


hidden_size (tuple[int, int], optional) – Size of the hidden layers. Defaults to (200, 200).

class fluke.nets.MNIST_2NN_D(hidden_size: int = 100, use_softmax: bool = False)[source]

Bases: Module

Head for the MNIST_2NN network.

  • hidden_size (int, optional) – Size of the hidden layer. Defaults to 200.

  • use_softmax (bool, optional) – If True, the output is passed through a softmax layer, otherwise, no activation will be used. Defaults to False.

class fluke.nets.MNIST_CNN[source]

Bases: EncoderHeadNet

Convolutional Neural Network for MNIST. This is a simple CNN for MNIST classification first introduced in the [FedAvg] paper, where the architecture consists of two convolutional layers with 32 and 64 filters, respectively, followed by two fully connected layers with 512 and 10 neurons, respectively.

Very same architecture is also used in the [SuPerFed] paper.

class fluke.nets.MNIST_CNN_E[source]

Bases: Module

Encoder for the MNIST_CNN network.

class fluke.nets.MNIST_CNN_D[source]

Bases: Module

Head for the MNIST_CNN network.

class fluke.nets.FedBN_CNN(channels: int = 1, output_size: int = 10)[source]

Bases: EncoderHeadNet

Convolutional Neural Network with Batch Normalization for CIFAR-10. This network follows the architecture proposed in the [FedBN] paper, where the encoder consists of four convolutional layers with 64, 64, 128, and 128 filters, respectively, and the head network consists of three fully connected layers with 2048, 512, and 10 neurons, respectively.

  • channels (int, optional) – Number of input channels. Defaults to 1.

  • output_size (int, optional) – Number of output classes. Defaults to 10.


In the original paper, the size of the last convolutional layer is erroneously reported.



Xiaoxiao Li, Meirui JIANG, Xiaofei Zhang, Michael Kamp, and Qi Dou. FedBN: Federated Learning on Non-IID Features via Local Batch Normalization. In ICLR (2021).

class fluke.nets.FedBN_CNN_E(channels: int = 1)[source]

Bases: Module

Encoder for the FedBN_CNN network.


channels (int, optional) – Number of input channels. Defaults to 1.

class fluke.nets.FedBN_CNN_D(output_size: int = 10)[source]

Bases: Module

Head for the FedBN_CNN network.


output_size (int, optional) – Number of output classes. Defaults to 10.

class fluke.nets.MNIST_LR(output_size: int = 10)[source]

Bases: Module

Logistic Regression for MNIST. This is a simple logistic regression model for MNIST classification used in the [FedProx] paper for both MNIST and FEMNIST datasets.


output_size (int, optional) – Number of output classes. Defaults to 10.



Tian Li, Anit Kumar Sahu, Manzil Zaheer, Maziar Sanjabi, Ameet Talwalkar, and Virginia Smith. Federated Optimization in Heterogeneous Networks. Adaptive & Multitask Learning Workshop. In Open Review https://openreview.net/pdf?id=SkgwE5Ss3N (2018).

class fluke.nets.CifarConv2[source]

Bases: EncoderHeadNet

Convolutional Neural Network for CIFAR-10. This is a CNN for CIFAR-10 classification as described in the [FedNH] paper, where the architecture consists of two convolutional layers with 64 filters, followed by two fully connected layers with 384 and 100 neurons, respectively. The convolutional layers are followed by ReLU activations and max pooling. The last classification layer is a linear layer with 10 neurons.

  • embedding_size (int, optional) – Size of the embedding after the second linear layer. Defaults to 100.

  • num_classes (int, optional) – Number of classes. Defaults to 10.



Yutong Dai, Zeyuan Chen, Junnan Li, Shelby Heinecke, Lichao Sun, Ran Xu. Tackling Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning with Class Prototypes. In AAAI (2023).

class fluke.nets.CifarConv2_E[source]

Bases: Module

Encoder for the CifarConv2 network.

class fluke.nets.CifarConv2_D[source]

Bases: Module

Head for the CifarConv2 network.

class fluke.nets.ResNet9(output_size: int = 100)[source]

Bases: EncoderHeadNet

ResNet-9 network for CIFAR-100 classification. This network follows the architecture proposed in the [SuPerFed] paper, which fllows the standard ResNet-9. The encoder consists of all the layers but the last fully connected layer, and thus the head network consists of the last fully connected layer.


output_size (int, optional) – Number of output classes. Defaults to 100.

See also

class fluke.nets.ResNet9_E[source]

Bases: Module

Encoder for the ResNet9 network.

See also

class fluke.nets.ResNet9_D(output_size: int = 100)[source]

Bases: Module

Head for the ResNet9 network.

See also

class fluke.nets.FEMNIST_CNN[source]

Bases: EncoderHeadNet

Convolutional Neural Network for FEMNIST. This is a simple CNN for FEMNIST classification first introduced in the [DITTO] paper, where the architecture consists of two convolutional layers with 32 and 64 filters, respectively, followed by two fully connected layers with 1024 and 62 neurons, respectively. Each convolutional layer is followed by a ReLU activation and a max pooling layer.



Tian Li, Shengyuan Hu, Ahmad Beirami, and Virginia Smith. Ditto: Fair and Robust Federated Learning Through Personalization. In ICML (2021).

class fluke.nets.FEMNIST_CNN_E[source]

Bases: Module

Encoder for the FEMNIST_CNN network.

class fluke.nets.FEMNIST_CNN_D[source]

Bases: Module

Head for the FEMNIST_CNN network.

class fluke.nets.VGG9_E(seed: int = 98765)[source]

Bases: Module

Encoder for the VGG9 network.


seed (int, optional) – Seed used for weight initialization. Defaults to 98765.

See also

class fluke.nets.VGG9_D(input_size: int = 512, output_size: int = 62, seed: int = 98765)[source]

Bases: Module

Head for the VGG9 network.

  • input_size (int, optional) – Size of the input tensor. Defaults to 512.

  • output_size (int, optional) – Number of output classes. Defaults to 62.

  • seed (int, optional) – Seed used for weight initialization. Defaults to 98765.

See also

class fluke.nets.VGG9(output_size: int = 62, seed: int = 98765)[source]

Bases: EncoderHeadNet

VGG-9 network for FEMNIST classification. This network follows the architecture proposed in the [SuPerFed] paper which follows the standard VGG-9 architecture. In this implementation all convolutional layers are considered as the encoder and the fully connected layers are considered as the head network.

  • input_size (int, optional) – Size of the input tensor. Defaults to 784.

  • output_size (int, optional) – Number of output classes. Defaults to 62.

  • seed (int, optional) – Seed used for weight initialization. Defaults to 98765.

See also

class fluke.nets.ResNet18(output_size=10)[source]

Bases: Module

ResNet-18 network as defined in the torchvision library.


This class is a wrapper around the ResNet-18 model from torchvision and it does not implement the EncoderHeadNet interface.


output_size (int, optional) – Number of output classes. Defaults to 10.

class fluke.nets.ResNet34(output_size: int = 100)[source]

Bases: Module

ResNet-34 network as defined in the torchvision library.


This class is a wrapper around the ResNet-18 model from torchvision and it does not implement the EncoderHeadNet interface.


output_size (int, optional) – Number of output classes. Defaults to 100.

class fluke.nets.ResNet50(output_size: int = 100)[source]

Bases: Module

ResNet-50 network as defined in the torchvision library.


This class is a wrapper around the ResNet-18 model from torchvision and it does not implement the EncoderHeadNet interface.


output_size (int, optional) – Number of output classes. Defaults to 100.

class fluke.nets.ResNet18GN(output_size: int = 10)[source]

Bases: ResNet18

ResNet-18 network as defined in the torchvision library but with Group Normalization layers instead of Batch Normalization.


This class is a wrapper around the ResNet-18 model from torchvision and it does not implement the EncoderHeadNet interface.


output_size (int, optional) – Number of output classes. Defaults to 10.

class fluke.nets.MoonCNN_E[source]

Bases: Module

Encoder for the MoonCNN network.

See also

class fluke.nets.MoonCNN_D(output_size: int = 10)[source]

Bases: Module

Head for the MoonCNN network.


output_size (int, optional) – Number of output classes. Defaults to 10.

See also

class fluke.nets.MoonCNN(output_size: int = 10)[source]

Bases: EncoderHeadNet

Convolutional Neural Network for CIFAR-10. This is a CNN for CIFAR-10 classification first described in the [MOON] paper, where the architecture consists of two convolutional layers with 6 and 16 filters, respectively, followed by two fully connected layers with 120 and 84 neurons, respectively, and a projection head with 256 neurons followed by the output layer with 10 neurons.


output_size (int, optional) – Number of output classes. Defaults to 10.

See also



Qinbin Li, Bingsheng He, and Dawn Song. Model-Contrastive Federated Learning. In CVPR (2021).

class fluke.nets.LeNet5_E[source]

Bases: Module

Encoder for the LeNet5 network.

See also

class fluke.nets.LeNet5_D(output_size: int = 10)[source]

Bases: Module

Head for the LeNet5 network.


output_size (int, optional) – Number of output classes. Defaults to 100.

See also

class fluke.nets.LeNet5(output_size: int = 10)[source]

Bases: EncoderHeadNet

LeNet-5 for CIFAR. This is a LeNet-5 for CIFAR-10/100 classification as described in the [FedRep] paper, where the architecture consists of two convolutional layers with 6 and 16 filters, respectively, followed by two fully connected layers with 120 and 84 neurons, respectively, and the output layer with 10 neurons. The activation functions are ReLU. The architecture is also used in the [LG-FedAvg] paper.

See also


output_size (int, optional) – Number of output classes. Defaults to 100.



Liam Collins, Hamed Hassani, Aryan Mokhtari, and Sanjay Shakkottai. Exploiting shared representations for personalized federated learning. In ICML (2021).


Paul Pu Liang, Terrance Liu, Liu Ziyin, Nicholas B. Allen, Randy P. Auerbach, David Brent, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Louis-Philippe Morency. Think Locally, Act Globally: Federated Learning with Local and Global Representations. In arXiv https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.01523 (2020).

class fluke.nets.Shakespeare_LSTM_E[source]

Bases: Module

Encoder for the Shakespeare_LSTM network.

class fluke.nets.Shakespeare_LSTM_D[source]

Bases: Module

Head for the Shakespeare_LSTM network.

class fluke.nets.Shakespeare_LSTM[source]

Bases: EncoderHeadNet

LSTM for Shakespeare. This is an LSTM for Shakespeare classification first introduced in the [SuPerFed] paper, where the architecture consists of an embedding layer with 8 dimensions, followed by a two-layer LSTM with 256 hidden units, and a linear layer with 256 neurons.