Server class

This class is the core of the federated learning simulation in fluke. When you start to extend it, make sure to have a clear understanding of what are the data exchanged between the server and the clients and how the learning process is orchestrated. This is crucial to avoid introducing bugs and to keep the code clean.


The Server class is the one responsible for coordinating the federated learning process. The learning process starts when the fit method is called on the Server object. During the fit method, the server will iterate over the number of rounds specified in the argument n_rounds. Each important server’s operation trigger a callback to the observers that have been registered to the server. Finally, at the end of the fit method, the server will finalize the federated learning process.

Server initialization

The Server constructor is responsible for initializing the server. Usually, there is not much more to it than setting the server’s attributes. However, there is an important notion that you should be aware of: all the server’s hyperparameters should be set in the hyper_params attribute that is a DDict. This best practice ensure that the hyperparameters are easily accessible and stored in a single place.

Sequence of operations of a single round

The standard behaviour of the Server class (as provided in the class Server) follows the sequence of operations of a standard Federate Averaging algorithm. The main methods of the Server class involved in a single round are:

  • get_eligibile_clients: this method is called at the beginning of each round to select the clients that will participate in the round. The selection is based on the eligible_perc argument of the fit method.

  • broadcast_model: this method is called at the beginning of each round to send the global model to the clients that will participate in the round.

  • aggregate: this method is called at the end of each round to aggregate the models of the clients that participated in the round.

  • evaluate: this method is called at the end of each round to evaluate the global model on the server-side test set (if any).

The following figure shows the sequence of operations of the Server class during the fit method.


For brevity, many details have been omitted or simplified. However, the figure below shows the key methods and calls involved in a round. For a complete description of the Server class, please refer to the Server’s API documentation.


Sequence of operations of the Server class during the fit method. This image has been created with TikZ [source].

The sequence diagram above shows the sequence of operations of the Server class during a single round. It highlights the dependencies between the methods of the Server class and the Client class. Moreover, it shows that the communication between the server and the clients is done through the Channel. The only direct call between the server and the client is the fit method of the Client class that is called to trigger the beginning of the training process on the client side.


At the end of the fit method, the Server class will finalize the federated learning process by calling the finalize method. Ideally, this method should be used to perform any final operation, for example, to get the final evaluation of the global (and/or local) model(s), or to save the model(s). It can also be used to trigger fine-tuning operations client-side as it happens in personalized federated learning. In its standard implementation, the finalize method will call the evaluate method to get the final evaluation of the global model on the server-side test set (if any) and it also performs the evaluation client-side after the global model has been broadcasted for the last time.

Observer pattern

As mentioned above, the Server class triggers callbacks to the observers that have been registered to the server. The default notifications are:

  • _notify_start_round: triggered at the beginning of each round. It calls ServerObserver.start_round on each observer;

  • _notify_selected_clients: triggered after the clients have been selected for the round. It calls ServerObserver.selected_clients on each observer;

  • _notify_end_round: triggered at the end a round. It calls ServerObserver.end_round on each observer;

  • _notify_evaluation: it should be triggered after an evaluation has been performed. It calls ServerObserver.evaluation on each observer;

  • _notify_finalize: triggered at the end of the finalize method. It calls ServerObserver.finished on each observer.


Refer to the API documentation of the ServerObserver inerface and the ObserverSubject intarface for more details.

Creating your Server class

Creating a custom Server class is straightforward. You need to create a class that inherits from the Server class and override the methods that you want to customize. As long as the federated protocol you are implementing follows the standard Federated Averaging protocol, you can reuse the default implementation of the fit method and override only the methods that are specific to your federated protocol.

Let’s see an example of a custom Server class that overrides the aggregate method while keeping the default implementation of the other methods.


Here we show a single example but you can check all the following algorithm implementations to see other examples of custom Server.aggregate:

The example follows the implementation of the FedExP algorithm. We also report the standard implementation of the aggregate method for comparison.

 2def aggregate(self, eligible: Iterable[Client]) -> None:
 3    W = flatten_parameters(self.model)
 4    clients_model = self.get_client_models(eligible, state_dict=False)
 5    Wi = [flatten_parameters(client_model) for client_model in clients_model]
 6    eta = self._compute_eta(W, Wi)
 8    clients_sd = [client.model.state_dict() for client in eligible]
 9    avg_model_sd = deepcopy(self.model.state_dict())
10    for key in self.model.state_dict().keys():
11        if key.endswith(STATE_DICT_KEYS_TO_IGNORE):
12            continue
14        if key.endswith("num_batches_tracked"):
15            mean_nbt = torch.mean(torch.Tensor([c[key] for c in clients_sd])).long()
16            avg_model_sd[key] = max(avg_model_sd[key], mean_nbt)
17            continue
19        avg_model_sd[key] = avg_model_sd[key] - eta * torch.mean(
20            torch.stack([avg_model_sd[key] - client_sd[key] for client_sd in clients_sd]),
21            dim=0)
22    self.model.load_state_dict(avg_model_sd)
24def _compute_eta(self, clients_diff: Iterable[dict], eps: float = 1e-4) -> float:
25    ...
 2def aggregate(self, eligible: Iterable[Client]) -> None:
 3    avg_model_sd = OrderedDict()
 4    clients_sd = self.get_client_models(eligible)
 5    weights = self._get_client_weights(eligible)
 6    for key in self.model.state_dict().keys():
 7        if key.endswith(STATE_DICT_KEYS_TO_IGNORE):
 8            avg_model_sd[key] = self.model.state_dict()[key].clone()
 9            continue
11        if key.endswith("num_batches_tracked"):
12            mean_nbt = torch.mean(torch.Tensor([c[key] for c in clients_sd])).long()
13            avg_model_sd[key] = max(avg_model_sd[key], mean_nbt)
14            continue
16        for i, client_sd in enumerate(clients_sd):
17            if key not in avg_model_sd:
18                avg_model_sd[key] = weights[i] * client_sd[key]
19            else:
20                avg_model_sd[key] += weights[i] * client_sd[key]
21    self.model.load_state_dict(avg_model_sd)

Let’s start by summarizing the implementation of the FedAVG’s aggregate method. The goal of this method is to aggregate the models of the clients that participated in the round to update the global model. The aggregation is done by computing the weighted average of the models of the clients. Thus, the method first collects the models of the clients that participated in the round (self.get_client_models(eligible)) and then computes the weighted average (the for loop) using the weights of the clients (self._get_client_weights(eligible)). Finally, the global model is updated with the weighted average model (self.model.load_state_dict(avg_model_sd)).

The custom implementation of the aggregate method for the FedExP algorithm follows a slightly different approach. The main difference lies in the update rule of the global model that is based on the model differences rather than the models themselves. For this reason, the method first computes the differences between the models of the clients and the global model. Then, it computes the global learning rate eta and the average model difference (eta, mu_diff = self._compute_eta(clients_diff)) that is needed to update the global model. The rest of the method remains the same as the standard implementation. Please, refer to the original paper of the FedExP algorithm for more details on the update rule.


In general, when you extend the Server class, you should start overriding the methods from the implementation provided in the Server class and then modify only those aspects that do not suit your federated protocol trying to preserve as much as possible the default implementation.

Similar considerations can be made for the other cases when the there is no need to override the fit.


When overriding methods that require to notify the observers, make sure to call the corresponding notification method of the ObserverSubject interface. For example, if you override the finalize method you should call the _notify_finalize method at the end of the method. For example, see the implementation of FedBABU.

The fit method

Sometimes you might also need to override the fit method of the Server class. This is the case when the federated protocol you are implementing requires a different sequence of operations than the standard Federated Averaging protocol. This is quite uncommon but it can happen. Currently, in fluke, the only algorithms that overrides the fit method are FedHP and FedDyn. In both these cases, the protocol differs from the standard Federated Averaging protocol only in the starting phase of the learning and hence the fit method is overridden to add such additional operations and then the super().fit() is called to trigger the standard behaviour.

When overriding the fit method, you should follow the following best practices:

  • Progress bars: track the progress of the learning process using progress bars. In fluke, this this is done using the rich library. In rich, progress bars and status indicators use a live display that is an instance of the Live class. You can reuse the Live instance of fluke from the GlobalSettings using the get_live_renderer method. In this live display, you can show the progress of the client-side and server-side learning already available in the GlobalSettings using get_progress_bar("clients") and get_progress_bar("server"). Then to update the progress bars and to get more information on how to use the rich library, please refer to the official documentation.

    The following is an excert of the fit method, showing how to initialize the progress bars:

    1with GlobalSettings().get_live_renderer():
    2    progress_fl = GlobalSettings().get_progress_bar("FL")
    3    progress_client = GlobalSettings().get_progress_bar("clients")
    4    client_x_round = int(self.n_clients * eligible_perc)
    5    task_rounds = progress_fl.add_task("[red]FL Rounds", total=n_rounds*client_x_round)
    6    task_local = progress_client.add_task("[green]Local Training", total=client_x_round)
    7    ...
  • Communication: in fluke, generally, clients and server should not call each other methods directly. There are very few exceptions to this rule, for example, when the server needs to trigger the training on the client side or when the server asks to perform the evaluation. In all other cases, the communication between the server and the clients should be done through the Channel class (see the Channel API reference). The Channel instance is available in the Server class (_channel private instance or channel property) and it must be used to send/receive messages. Messages must be encapsulated in a Message object. Using a channel allows fluke, through the logger (see Log) to keep track of the exchanged messages and so it will automatically compute the communication cost. The following is the implementation of the broadcast_model method that uses the Channel to send the global model to the clients:

    1def broadcast_model(self, eligible: Iterable[Client]) -> None:
    2, "model", self), eligible)
  • Minimal changes principle: this principle universally applies to software development but it is particularly important when overriding the fit method because it represents the point where the whole simulation is orchestrated. Start by copying the standard implementation of the fit method and then modify only the parts that are specific to your federated protocol. This will help you to keep the code clean and to avoid introducing nasty bugs.