
To run an algorithm using the fluke command you need to create two configuration files:

  • EXP_CONFIG_FILE: the experiment configuration file (independent from the algorithm);

  • ALG_CONFIG_FILE: the algorithm configuration file.

Experiment configuration

The EXP_CONFIG_FILE is a yaml file containing the configurations for the experiment. In the following we provide an example of the EXP_CONFIG_FILE with the comments explaining each field (there is also a version without the comments).

# Dataset configuration
    # Dataset loading config
        # Dataset's name
        # Currently supported: mnist, svhn, mnistm, femnist, emnist, cifar10, cifar100,
        #                      tiny_imagenet, shakespeare, fashion_mnist, cinic10
        name: mnist
        # Potential parameters for loading the dataset correctly
        # (see the documentation of
        # if no parameters are needed, simply do not specify anything
        params: null
    # IID/non-IID data distribution
        # Currently supported:
        # - iid: Independent and Identically Distributed data.
        # - qnt: Quantity skewed data.
        # - classqnt: Class-wise quantity skewed data.
        # - lblqnt: Label quantity skewed data.
        # - dir: Label skewed data according to the Dirichlet distribution.
        # - path : Pathological skewed data (each client has data from few classes).
        # - covshift: Covariate shift skewed data.
        name: iid
        # Potential parameters of the disribution, e.g., `beta` for `dir`
        # (see the documentation of
        # if no parameters are needed, simply do not specify anything
        params: null
    # Sampling percentage when loading the dataset.
    # Thought to be used for debugging purposes
    # The sampling is repeated at each round
    sampling_perc: 1
    # Client-side test set split percentage.
    # If set to 0, the clients do not have a test set
    # and the evaluation is done on the server side
    client_split: 0
    # Whether to keep the test set as provided by the dataset
    # if set to false, and `server_test=false` then the dataset's test will be uniformly
    # split among the clients
    keep_test: true
    # Whether the server has a test set
    # Note: if `keep_test` is set to true, than the server will have such a test set
    server_test: true
    # The size of the server split
    # (only used when `keep_test=false` and `server_test=true`)
    server_split: 0.0
    # Whether to use client-side a iid test set distribution regardless
    # of the training data distribution
    uniform_test: false
# Generic settings for the experiment
    # The device to load the tensors (auto, cpu, cuda, mps, cuda:0, etc.)
    device: cpu
    # The seed (reproducibility)
    seed: 42
# Evaluation configuration
    # The task to perform which determines the evaluation metric (only classification is currently supported)
    task: classification
    # Whether to evaluate the client model before the client local training starts
    pre_fit: false
    # Whether to evaluate the client model after the client local training
    post_fit: false
    # Whether to evaluate the global model on the server-side test set
    server: true
    # Whether to evaluate the client local models on the server-side test set
    locals: false
# Saving configuration
    # The path where to save the models
    path: ./models
    # The frequency of saving the models (in rounds)
    save_every: 10
    # Whether to save only the global model
    global_only: false
# Logger configuration
    # `Log` is the standard output, `WandBLog` logs everything on weights and bias
    name: Log
    # `wandb` parameters. Leave empty if `name` is `Log`
    params: null
# FL protocol configuration
    # % of eligible clients, i.e., participants, in each round
    eligible_perc: 1
    # Total number of clients partcipating in the federation
    n_clients: 100
    # Total number of rounds
    n_rounds: 100
        name: mnist
        name: iid
    sampling_perc: 1
    client_split: 0
    keep_test: true
    server_test: true
    uniform_test: false
    device: cpu
    seed: 42
    task: classification
    pre_fit: false
    post_fit: false
    server: true
    locals: false
    name: Log
    eligible_perc: 1
    n_clients: 100
    n_rounds: 100


The configuration for the dataset may seem a bit confusing. Please refer to the documentation of the modules and for more information.

We also suggest to have a look at this section for a more detailed explanation.

Algorithm configuration

The ALG_CONFIG_FILE is a yaml file containing the hyper-parameters of the federated algorithm. It must be structured as follows:

# Hyperparameters (HPs) of the algorithm
# Name of the algorithm: this must be the fully qualified name of the algorithm's class
# This means that you can define your own algorithm and use it here
name: fluke.algorithms.fedavg.FedAVG
# Please refer to the algorithm's implementation to know which are its HPs
    # HPs of the clients
        # Batch size
        batch_size: 10
        # Number of local epochs
        local_epochs: 5
        # The loss function (loss name from torch.nn)
        loss: CrossEntropyLoss
        # HPs of the optimizer (the type of optimizer depends on the algorithm)
            # if omitted, the default optimizer is SGD (optimizer name from torch.optim)
            name: SGD
            lr: 0.8
        # HPs of the scheduler (scheduler name from torch.optim.lr_scheduler)
        # this is optional
            # if omitted, the default scheduler is StepLR
            name: StepLR
            gamma: 0.995
            step_size: 10
    # HPs of the server
        # Whether to weight the client's contribution
        # If not hyperparametera are needed set to {}
        weighted: true
# The model (neural network) to federate.
# This can be the name of a neural network included in `fluke.nets` or
# the fully qualified name of an user defined class
model: MNIST_2NN
name: fluke.algorithms.fedavg.FedAVG
        batch_size: 10
        local_epochs: 5
        loss: CrossEntropyLoss
            name: SGD
            lr: 0.8
            name: StepLR
            gamma: 0.995
            step_size: 10
        weighted: true
    model: MNIST_2NN